
Online permitting and routing for commercial trucking in British Columbia.

Commercial Vehicle Permits Online

The Ministry of Transportation and Transit's commercial vehicle permitting system is transitioning to a new system called onRouteBC. The first phase of onRouteBC includes support for Term Oversize and Term Overweight permits, payable by credit card only. Over time onRouteBC will offer more permit types and payment methods. During transition, permits that are not available in onRouteBC continue to be available from the existing system by contacting the Provincial Permit Center.

Term Oversize and Term Overweight Permits

Log into onRouteBC

Login with your Business BCeID and pay online with your credit card.

Other permit types and payment methods

Buy online permits

Or Call: 1-800-559-9688

Permit Information

Commerical Transport Procedures

Legislation, policies, standards and guidelines to be followed in the operation of a commercial transportation business in British Columbia.

Out of Province Permits

Commercial drivers transporting loads across BC borders need to take into account intra-provincial and cross-border issues, procedures, laws, regulations, and required permits.

Forms, Circulars, Bulletins & Notices

Stay up-to-date with current standards, procedures and polices. Check what’s new at CVSE and download the most current forms.

Provincial Permit Centre

Contact Us

If you need assistance, or have questions about processing your permit, you can contact the Provincial Permit Centre.


6am to 10pm PDT (Apr. - Oct.)
5am to 9pm PST (Nov. - Mar.)
Seven days a week

The Provincial Permit Centre is closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day.

Public Sector Employees

Use your IDIR to sign in to onRouteBC.

Log in using IDIR

Routes and Driving Conditions

onRouteBC User Guides

Demonstration videos

onRouteBC - YouTube